[香港浸會大學] 網上講座:Contribution and Impact of Chinese Medicine in the Combat of Covid-19 Pandemic


將於二月二十四日舉辦一場有關中醫在對抗 COVID-19 大流行中的貢獻及影響的網上講座,請參閱以下詳情:-

Webinar: Contribution and Impact of Chinese Medicine in the Combat of Covid-19 Pandemic

It has been two years and the world is still battling against COVID-19 and its variants. During the pandemic, Chinese Medicine has been effectively employed to combat the virus. This webinar will share examples of success stories and scientific evidence on how Chinese Medicine helps to fight against the pandemic, with highlights on its application in preventing and treating COVID-19 in Hong Kong.

日期:24 February 2022 (星期四)

時間:5:00 – 6:00pm (台灣時間)



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我校 2022 年的本科Extended Round 申請已經開始接受報名,截止日期為5月31日。

·        香港浸會大學入學資訊網站:https://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/ug/international

·        香港浸會大學線上申請表格:https://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/ug/apply



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